Starting Out in the Munich Office

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Nura Oumran joined CIL as one of the first members of our Munich team. Here she discusses starting out, adapting to life at CIL and her advice to other women looking to work in consulting.

Why did you apply to CIL?

I heard about CIL while working at a boutique advisory firm in Munich. I was drawn to it because of how much the senior team cares about their people. Other firms say they care about employee culture and well-being, but CIL actively drives it by focusing on work-life balance. There are regular socials, a weekly wellbeing survey and time off in lieu if you have been staffed on a particularly difficult project.

The opportunity to help contribute to CIL’s growth in a new country was attractive. I saw the potential in joining a smaller, growing team that is backed by an international consultancy and felt I could contribute some new ideas.

What was it like joining Munich in its early stages?

When I first joined there were four of us based in Munich. Being a part of a small but scaling team has been challenging at times, but very rewarding. There has been a lot of opportunity to get involved with the operational side of the business – like helping the recruitment team assess candidates and supporting on the overall DACH strategy. I got to take on a lot of responsibility early on, and it was great to learn more about the running of a business.

Additionally, as we are positioned within a larger international company, I’ve had plenty of opportunities to learn from different people and work across sectors and geographies.

How did CIL support you with starting out in the Munich office?

During my first two weeks at CIL we had a comprehensive induction programme which explained how the company works both in terms of values and technical skills. Several of the senior team have also travelled to Munich to meet everyone, showing they really care about us and the new office. We actively work with UK colleagues on projects, which allows us to leverage expertise from other geographies.

CIL has also supported us through inter-office collaboration. We have had the opportunity to go to the UK for training and events, such as the Women in M&A dinner and our Winter and Summer Quarterlies.

CIL’s Munich office is very close, partially due to our regular socials and partially due to our weekly Munich team meetings where everyone gets updated on several topics including our sales activities.

How has it been watching the Munich office grow and how do you find your role as a Manager within it?

Watching the Munich team grow, both in terms of size and reputation, has been great. Even as we scale, everyone gets involved in something outside of work, which helps to continue the collaborative spirit across the office. Our client base has also grown; we have better brand recognition and repeat clients. Watching this happen and being involved in the work that gets our name out there has been very rewarding.

My responsibilities have increased since I was promoted to Manager – for example, I now mentor Associates and am more involved in sales activities. The additional responsibility has been a good challenge for me as I’m learning to balance my workstreams internally and with clients and other stakeholders.

What would you say to someone considering a career in consulting at CIL?

I would recommend this career to anyone who likes to work with people and is a team player. The working environment is fast-paced, dynamic, and interesting. If you like to dive into new topics over short projects, then consulting at CIL will be great for you! CIL allows you to look at different industries and figure out what sectors you find particularly stimulating or engaging.

I would advise women looking to start their careers in consulting to seek out a company’s female leaders, either via relevant events or reaching out directly. It says a lot about the firm if they can evidence the women that contribute to the success of the company.